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Project 2 - Experimentation


With an hour and a half of studio time, I did some experimentation of the techniques and styles that I wanted to create in my final product. The photographs below are unedited and still in RAW format.

A Brief Summary

Low Shutter Speed Light Photography

In order to create the light drawings, a low shutter speed was used. There was minimal lighting used to achieve the desired effect, meaning photographs could be underexposed. This was combatted with a large aperture and high ISO as increasing the shutter speed too far would cause the subject to blur too much. By the end of the tests, it was found that these were the optimal settings:

Shutter Speed - 6 seconds

Aperture - F4.5

ISO - 3200

Manual focus was also used as it was too dark for autofocus to work.

Abstract Shadow Photography

When it came to shadow photography, I couldn't find anything with harsh enough light to create the abstract shadowing through the stencils for quite some time. However, in the end, I found that the big stage light worked perfectly. I didn't have much time so only got one photograph in which the effect worked. The camera setting definitely need some more tinkering, but the closest I have found so far is:

Shutter speed - 1/60 second

Aperture - F4.0

ISO - 500
