On Thursday 6th May, I did another photoshoot in the college photography studio with the intention of creating abstract shadow photography similar to that of Claudio Montegriffo. These photographs can be seen below. These photographs have not been edited and remain in a RAW format.
Once I found camera settings that I was happy with, I used the same settings for the entire photoshoot. These settings were -
1/125 sec shutter speed, f/3.5 aperture, ISO 800
Whilst I didn't photograph my studio setup, it was relatively simple. I had the Canon 1200D with a 70 - 200mm telephoto lens mounted onto a tripod at the back of the room. I then had a laptop connected to a projector which projected my images onto a black background. I would then position my subject between the background and the projector accordingly. A also used a Bowens GM400 light to add some low key lighting to the right side of the subjects face.
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